Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Game Journalism: Day two

Who created the game?

What can your interact with and what is the benefit?
  • Tree
  • Chicken
  • Rabbit
  • Wolf
  • Bear
  • fibre plant
  • Resource Box
  • Rock
                                   (TIPS & TRICKS)
On day one, always find fiber, wood, nails, scrap metal and circuitry. At night make a fire, but remember to add fuel (wood).

Monday, April 3, 2017

Game Journalism: Day one


What are a person's basic needs for life?
Food; meat, veggies, water. The Ultimate Death by wild animal is also beneficial 

What is the definition of the title of the game?

Absolute F^(%ing S#!t.

A brief description of the game.
This Game took 30 minutes to figure out how to launch the game without crashing. but otherwise you can collect wood, potentially make a house, and die in complete bulls**t ways.

What type of game is it and what does it compare to?
Have you played Rust? This is it's autistic little brother 

What does it mean to be 'early access'?
It mean you get to play the great exciting beta of the game.

What are a few of the features of the game?
You can make a great house if you dont die first and also make weapons and other useless wastes of time.

According to the game... what are the tips for DAY 1?
 Flip off some trees and die alone

What advice do you have for your readers? (TIPS & TRICKS)

Press f4 over and over  and over again